The Stone Heads Of Sno

Cover image © Pavel Ageychenko

Nestled in the small village of Sno, near Stepantsminda in Georgia, lies a captivating open-air gallery of stone sculptures known as the Stone Heads of Sno. Created by self-taught sculptor Merab Piranishvili, these remarkable stone heads pay homage to prominent Georgian figures, such as Ilia Chavchavadze, Akaki Tsereteli, Vazha Pshavela, Shota Rustaveli, and even Jesus Christ.

Merab Piranishvili carefully carves the faces of these eminent personalities, inspired by the natural shape of the stones themselves. He dreams of turning this outdoor gallery into a museum, with plans to create around 500 sculptures that embody Georgia's rich history. Despite the significant expenses involved in crafting these sculptures, Piranishvili perseveres in his pursuit to make Sno an attractive destination for tourists.

Although many travelers visit the region to explore the picturesque Gergeti Trinity Church and hike the majestic mountain ranges, the Stone Heads of Sno offer a unique and memorable experience for those who take the time to visit. To support Piranishvili's artistic endeavors, visitors can leave donations in a small wooden box near the sculptures.

Reaching the Stone Heads of Sno is a breeze; a quick drive from Stepantsminda along the E117 (Georgian Military Highway) leads to the Sno-Akhaltsikhe-Juta road, where the open-air exhibition awaits on the right. Don't miss this extraordinary display of artistry and passion, paying tribute to Georgia's illustrious past.

Nearest to The Stone Heads Of Sno

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